Running tests from maven command line: Different options

Jadala Ajay
2 min readJun 18, 2021


When we work on developing automation scripts ,we may sometime need run based on different conditions. Let us see some here.

Assuming Prerequisite met for running :

  1. Some TestClasses with TestMethods are present in Framework
  2. Maven is used as build tool for Framework design.
  3. Using TestNG framework for Test Cases

The following are the steps:

Run specific test from a test class:

mvn -Dtest=Testclassname#testmethodname test

To run all tests in class:

mvn -Dtest=classname test

To run test that match a pattern:This will run all tests that starts with testcreate in class named Testclassname

mvn -Dtest=Testclassname#testcreate* test

Run all test methods match pattern ‘testFoo*’ and ‘testBar*’ from a test class:

mvn test -Dtest=Test1#testFoo*+testBar*

To run multiple methods in a testclass:

mvn -Dtest=Testclassname#testone+testtwo test

To run Multiple method from multiple class :


To run multiple test classes:


Maven: Exclude specific test(s):

# Exclude one test class, by using the explanation mark (!)

mvn test -Dtest=!LegacyTest

# Exclude one test method

mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo

# Exclude two test methods

mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo+testBar

# Exclude a package with a wildcard (*)

mvn test -Dtest=!*

Run tests in specific xml file using command line:

step1:Add compiler plugin and surefire plugin in pom.xml.

  • Adding compiler plugin. Source and Target node values (values as 1.8) represent Java version.

Adding Surefire Plugin. “${suiteXmlFile}” is the path for test suite xml file is to be executed, being passed from command line.

step2:To run test using maven, open Command Line
change directory to project.
Run command mvn clean test -DsuiteXMLFile=testclass2.xml
testclass2.xml is passed to surefire plugin in pom.xml.
-DsuiteXMLFile represents as -D+filename mentioned in surefire plugin.
If testclass2.xml is present in different location other than under project directory , then complete path should be given like “D:\TestFolder\testclass2.xml”.

Run profiles from maven commands:

Let us assume we have two profiles (Regression and Smoke in two different testng.xml files) in pom.xml as below.

To run Regression profile: mvn test -PRegression

This will trigger all tests presetn in testng2.xml file

To run smoke profile: mvn test -PSmoke

This will trigger all tests present in testng.xml file

Please comment if you find anything to add.



Jadala Ajay

8 Years Exp Senior Automation Engineer with expertise on Selenium,RestAsured API,Postman,Cypress,WebdriverIO with prog languages Java,Javascript and Python